Friday, October 26, 2012

The Handless Maiden

The Handless Maiden Heavy with Child  (Stacy Wills, 2012)

Offered without commentary, this image was inspired by working with the story of The Handless Maiden during week 7 of Women on the Threshold, an online retreat offered through Abbey of the Arts.  You can find variations of the story by googling, "the handless maiden" or "the girl without hands."    There is  also a  version available  on Wikipedia.  Clarissa Pinkola Estes and Robert Johnson have also worked with this story and offer valuable insights in their writings.

1 comment:

  1. Stacy
    The image if haunting. She is pregnant with purpose, though the purpose is unclear and though it seems she will, with difficulty, give birth. Hmmmmm.....

